PT. Ardigraha Infolestari Loker Dan Informasi CPNS: PT. Ardigraha Infolestari META Tag analysis

January 23, 2009

PT. Ardigraha Infolestari

Java Web Developer

1. Talented Programming Skill
2. At least 2 years of real application development projects/works expereince
3. Strong skills in: XML, SQL Programming, JSP/Servlet, Javabean
4. Experience with popular IDE’s like Eclipse, Oracle, etc.. and other Java Frameworks
5. Strong Teamwork and people relationship
6. Target/deadline oriented and commitment to finish/complete projects
7. Quick learning and willing to work hard and smart
8. Focus and efficient

PT. Ardigraha Infolestari
Jl. Cideng Timur 60
Jakarta 10160
Type of Business: Independent Software Company
Focus on: ERP, HRIS, EPM, BI and Web 2.0/SOA Technology

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