PT. Musarus Abadi Loker Dan Informasi CPNS: PT. Musarus Abadi META Tag analysis

January 31, 2010

PT. Musarus Abadi

Description: This company is engaged in services.

PT. Musarus Abadi
Komplek Billy Moon Blok CE 5 No. 18
Pondok Kelapa Duren Sawit
Jakarta Timur

Telpon number : 021-86905901

Jobs for: Staff Administration (SA)

Work Location in Jakarta


- Minimal graduates from D3,
- Women
- Not married
- Age max. 30 years
- Mastering (MS Windous, exel, MS Word)
- Attractive appearance

Applications taken directly to the following offices.

PT. Musarus Abadi
Komplek Billy Moon Blok CE 5 No. 18
Pondok Kelapa Duren Sawit
Jakarta Timur

No. Tel. : 021-86905901

Include in the letter of application, you will find this job information on how and resources (from what website or newspaper, or anything else).

This job was closed on February 2, 2010

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